On Ambition, Courtship and Procreation

A portrayal of a failed love affair and a tribute to failure expressed as an abstraction of the idea of messing up against all the odds.

Status: completed/ Year: 2018 / Duration: 13 min / Genre: Video short / Technique: 3D CGI / Dialogue: none

On Ambition, Courtship and procreation is a Video installation, consisting of a 20 min looping film, showing 9 scenes of the same leangth, of shapes performing little seemingly pointless tasks.

Director: Pernille Kjaer
Produced By: Late Love Production
Producers: Lana Tankosa Nikolic
Scriptwriter: Pernille Kjaer
Computer Graphics: Lars Hemmingsen, Midtjysk 3D Service
Animation: Pernille Kjaer
Editing: Pernille Kjaer
Compositing: Lars Hemmingsen
Sound Design: Mads Vadsholt
Music And Mix: Mads Vadsholt

Open Workshop