Animated shortfilm

Status: Year: 2024 / Genre: Short film / Technique: Claymation / Length: 8:07 
Web: www.lateloveproduction.com

A single-shot short film about community that learns to adapt to an unknown situation

A small community of creatures is living in a garden. Using water from the water fountain, the creatures perform each their own job, forming a cycle which sustains their life as they know it. When the fountain gets jammed by a curious butterfly, the creatures panic, unsure of how to continue. Regardless, they keep working and slowly but surely find new ways of doing their old tasks. They develop a new life cycle which uses milk as a resource.

Director: Sunčana Brkulj
Producer: Drasko Ivezić (Adriatic Animation Studio, Cro)
Co-Producer: Lana Tankosa Nikolic (Late Love Prouction, Dk)
Music: Sofie Birch
Sound Design: Alfred Bundgaard, Lukas Engelbreckt Jorgensen
Sound Mix: Thomas Richard Christensen
Animation: Sunčana Brkulj, Claudia Munskgaard Palmqvist
Backgrounds and prop design: Sunčana Brkulj, Sara Bernat
Distribution: Vanja Andrijevic, Bonobo Studio

SUPPORTED BY: West Danish Film Fund, Open Workshop/VIA University College, Croatian Audiovisual Centre (HAVC) and The City of Zagreb